Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
157666 liaisons laïques FCPE
78551 libertinage et philosophie au XVIIe siècle : La Mothe Le Vayer et Naudé
174504 lieuxdits 2294-9046 Faculté d'architecture, d'ingénierie architecturale, d'urbanisme (Loci). Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain)
180335 lingua An International Review of General Linguistics 0024-3841 Elsevier
67379 lipn.univ-paris13fr
359937 lire les sciences sociales
48036 litec
784010 litikum, Journal of the Lithic Research Roundtable 2064-3640 University of Budapest
68597 livret accompagnant l'édition dvd de Syndromes and a Century
176269 lnternational Electronic Journal of Elementary Education 1307-9298
610533 lo Squaderno 1973-9141
869297 log Cynthia Davidson, Anyone corporation
95016 lournal of luminescence
107391 love-moi
564398 lundimatin La découverte
125149 luthor 1853-3272 grupo Luthor
134999 l’Observatoire d’Unifaf
179229 mAGAzin. Revista de Germanística Intercultural 1136-677X Editorial Universidad de Sevilla
195499 mAbs 1942-0870
683490 mBio 2150-7511
120842 mHealth 2306-9740 AME Publishing Company
675877 mLife 2770-100X
122651 mSphere
149990 mSphere 2379-5042
57293 mae.u-paris10
180494 magazén 2724-3923 Edizioni Ca’ Foscari - Digital Publishing, Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari
36523 major risks challenging publics, scientists and governments, 14th society for risk analysis Europe annual meeting
150843 marches publics 0542-6685 Ministere de l'économie et des finances
296500 marconsoroche
45526 marine biological assosciation of the United Kingdom
45475 marine ornothology
60857 marketing and research today
177250 massivUMFORMUNG 2366-5106 Infostelle Industrieverband Massivumformung e. V
624467 materia arquitectura 2735-7503
569099 material science research and reviews
49992 materials transaction of JIM
87337 mathmatica applicata
175820 mağallat al-Isti'ab
163573 medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences [Cold Spring Harbor, NY] : Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, [2019]
401263 medien & zeit 0259-7446 Arbeitskreis für historische Kommunikationsforschung (AHK)
56183 mediterranean journal of electronics and communications
50277 mejdisciplinarnye issledovaniya v arheologii, Moscou
169376 memoriam Charlotte Moorman
52309 metals materials and Processes
829153 1618-2006
114604 methodology and science 0543-6095 Esser Scientific Press
165714 metiseurope